- Health / Fitness / Activities

Hi! My name is Jerry Simpson, CPT, FAS, owner and head trainer of Ageless Fitness. I’m an avid outdoors person who enjoys fishing, hunting, tennis, running and cycling. In 2008, I completed a 150-mile cycling event to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis and in 2010 I completed a Houston Marathon.
After a long career in corporate agri-food business, I purchased Ageless Fitness- Portland to pursue a long time passion of helping others age actively.
Ageless Fitness is independently owned and operated. We are not a franchise nor part of any corporate chain. We are a traditional small business designed to enrich the community of which we are a part.
My own workouts include functional fitness training 3 times a week, as well as running and cycling to maintain a “toned strong body at 57 years old.
Jerry’s Character Strengths
- Can create systems or procedures to improve functional fitness efficacy.
- Ability to focus on strengths as a way to stimulate personal and group excellence.
- Enjoys the challenge of overcoming obstacles to create a more harmonious environment.
- Values developing close relationships in order to achieve mutually beneficial goals.
- Can stay in the moment with optimistic prospect of what lies ahead for self and others.
- Has faith all things are linked with respect to the mind, body and spirit. -
Whom to Contact
- Jerry SimpsonOwner1535-C Wildcat Dr.Portland, TX 78374Phone: (361) 215-3770
Take US Hwy 181 north and exit at Wildcat Dr. Take a left turn at the light and head west down Wildcat Dr. Drive .25 mi and turn in the first asphalt driveway before Spanky's Liquor.