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Hot Dog Eating Contest

Sign up for free to join the Windfest Hot Dog Eating Contest. March 30, 2025, 3:00pm. By registering, you certify that you are 18+ years of age and in good health to compete. There is no fee to enter the contest. There is a maximum amount of 10 competitors allowed.
By entering your cell phone number, you agree to receive text messages from Windfest about your entry for the contest.
Select one *
Please select if this is your first time to register for the event with Windfest. You are "returning" if you entered in 2024.
All boxes must be selected to agree to the terms and confirm your entry. *
Must be 18 years of age to enter (16-17 years old can enter with parental permission). Contestants may not touch hot dogs until the starting signal. Only entire hot dogs eaten will be counted (an entire hot dog includes the bun). Contestants will have 10 minutes to down all the hot dogs they can handle. Contestants may drink (non- alcoholic, only water provided) beverage of their choice while eating their hot dogs. Buns and hot dogs may be separated, dunked or mangled. All portions of the hot dog (including bun) must be eaten. When the 10 minute time limit is up contestants may not put any additional hot dog or buns in their mouths. They will have 30 seconds to swallow what is in their mouths. Any contents remaining in contestant’s mouths at the end of 30 seconds will not be counted. Partially eaten hot dogs will not be counted. Visible signs of sickness will result in disqualification. Ties will be decided by an “eat off”.

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