It's FALL, Shop Small Y'all!
The Portland Business Council invites you to come shop local in Portland, TX on Shop Small Saturday, November 30, 2019!
Local Businesses in the area will be handing out Shop Small Cards & Maps the day of Shop Small Saturday! The more small businesses you visit, the more stamps you get. One Stamp=One Entry! Collect as many stamps as possible for a chance to win a basket filled with items from all participating stores!
>Stamp Cards & Maps can be picked up at one of any of the participating stores on Shop Small Saturday!
>Stamp Cards to be turned in to Decor, My Mom Had That or City Chix Boutique by 5 pm on Shop Small Saturday 11/30.
Interested in participating? DEADLINE to sign up by: Friday, November 22, 2019
Brick & Mortar and Home Based Business are WELCOME!
Shop Small Vendor Agreement